I’m an art history undergraduate and am currently taking an African cinema cours

I’m an art history undergraduate and am currently taking an African cinema cours

I’m an art history undergraduate and am currently taking an African cinema course. So here are the instructions from my professor for this assignment. By considering Fanon’s statement “The colonial world is a world cut in two”, you will analyze scenes (2 scenes max) in the film “A United Kingdom” that present the two different worlds. Now compare and contrast the scenes or frames from the United Kingdom with a scene from “The Battle of Algiers.” Here, you will discuss how the reading helps you better understand the issues of representation depicted in both the films. You are expected to cite from the reading for week-3. What is expected out of you is to present your understanding and visual reading of the scenes and not a generic review! So, take a peek at the scenes through your creative lens for this compare and contrast assignment.
Note: –You are expected to follow the prompt and pick two scenes and write an analysis from your reflexive perspective. Don’t write a generic analysis of scenes and frames. Also, I don’t want a synopsis of the film, that’s not what this exercise is about! Tips to help you analyze a scene: –Pick a scene of about 2-3 minutes. Now name the scene and then analyze the visual framing and treatment and how they are created to convey the message. –Now talk about the setting, camera angle, frame, and background score or dialogues and how they accentuate the scene. That’s all you have to do!!