I’m copying the assignment here to remind you of all the details:      Making Co

I’m copying the assignment here to remind you of all the details:
   Making Co

I’m copying the assignment here to remind you of all the details:
   Making Connections:
Linking Issues in Literature to Real Life
This assignment will result in a 4 page (MINIMUM) research paper that links an issue in a certain piece or pieces of literature to what is happening in our day.  Sometimes students do not “get into” literature because they feel that it is out of date or that the issues written about are not as relevant in the world today.  However, the issues dealt with in literature are both timeless and universal.  Your job will be to focus on a certain issue.  How was it addressed in the work(s) of literature?  How is the same issue addressed today?  What do the experts have to say about this issue?
Steps to follow in writing this paper:
    1    Decide which issue/work of literature you want to discuss in your paper.  It’s best to think of a piece of the literature that you can relate to for some reason or that interests you.  
    2    Write a thesis statement that mentions the work of literature, the issue, and your opinion, which will be the focus of the paper. In other words, what do you want to focus on in your paper?  How will you direct your thoughts?  What do you want to prove? 
    3    Write topic sentences that support your thesis statement. There is not a specific number of topic sentences.  As long as your paper meets the minimum page requirement, you may have any number of paragraphs necessary to cover the issue and the literature.
    4    Submit your outline, a thesis statement and topic sentences, for approval.
We’ll actually work on outlining in class, but if you can get a head start, do it.
    5    Now write your essay with only your own thoughts and ideas. You will want to include a few quotes from the story to prove your points and/or develop your essay, but DO NOT USE ANY RESEARCH YET. This essay should be a minimum of 2 ½ pages, but the more you write at this stage, the easier your job will be later!
    6    Find 5 secondary sources. At least 4 of these sources will provide evidence to support what you’re saying about the ISSUE. One source must provide support for your discussion of the story or poem itself. You will not have to use direct quotes from the story or poem although you are free to do so in order to better support your discussion.
    7    For at least 4 sources, you will rely on Rose State’s Online Databases. For the discussion of the poem or story, go to Ebscohost and click on Literature Resources. Start with MagillonLit, but go to the Academic Resources if you find nothing in Magill.
    8    For your discussion of the issue, I would recommend using a variety of sources (at least 2 types). Choose from the following types of sources:
    ◦    Ebsco
    ◦    SIRS
    ◦    Infobase
    ◦    CQ Researcher
    ◦    CREDO
    ◦    Academic Onefile
    ◦    Opposing Viewpoints
    ◦    E-books
    ◦    You can check Pew Research too. Here is a link to Pew Research (http://www.pewresearch.org/).
    ◦    Pro/Con.org is also a good, reliable resource. Here’s the link. (https://www.procon.org/)
    ◦    9. Incorporate your sources using MLA style by a combination of paraphrasing, summarizing, and direct quoting.
    ◦    10.Make sure you are documenting your sources properly through parenthetical documentation.
    ◦    11.Write a Works Cited page for your paper following MLA guidelines.
    ◦    12.. Submit your fi
nal copy to Canvas on or before the final due date/time.