I’m working on a tourism writing questions and need a sample draft to help me le

I’m working on a tourism writing questions and need a sample draft to help me le

I’m working on a tourism writing questions and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Write a response that addresses the following:
question 1 :
Make two suggestions that a major hotel in a mass tourism destination (think about the type of holiday a tourist at a mass tourism destination would demand) could make to curb the amount of waste produced. For each suggestion you must address the trade offs, and positive or negative cascading effects of this action (and how to mitigate negative ones).
In this, as in all your assignments, it is fundamental that you demonstrate a grasp of the module’s content as well as an ability to link the systems to each other (as we move through each module). Additionally, you should link your discussion to the key concepts.
question 2:
I am going to refrain from giving you a very specific question this time, allowing you to choose how and what you want to take from the movies/readings. Topic for this question is : I chose ((ILinkage between food production and tourism in the world ))) this topic was mentioned one of the readings given to us, So at the beginning of the question so you can say that “I chose this topic because it was discussed in one of the readings” Length: all questions minimum of 500 words , each question minimum 250 words
References course materials
Cites sources in APA or MLA format
do not mix the question, each question answered seperetely thank you!