In case of plagiarism, AI use and late delivery, the assignment will be CANCEL.

In case of plagiarism, AI use and late delivery, the assignment will be CANCEL.

In case of plagiarism, AI use and late delivery, the assignment will be CANCEL. Before you bid, please read the instructions. If I decide to raise the price after I accept your offers, I won’t do so later. Instructions: PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF MENTAL HEALTH & ILLNESS RESEARCH PAPER Length: 4-6 DOUBLE SPACED PAGES USING APA 7 FORMATTING (NOT including title page and reference page) Rationale: Supporting the mental health and well-being of children and youth is at the forefront of Child and Youth Care. Child and Youth Care practitioners working with children and youth with mental illness are advocates amongst the societal backdrop in which they live. Promotion of advocacy involves challenging societal stigma on multiple levels – including the language of stigma that may be presented in the media. Awareness of the public perception of mental illness can assist in becoming an advocate for the young people who are served by the Child and Youth Care practitioner. Purpose: Your task will be to research and write about how the influence of the Canadian media provides information to the public. You will address a particular topic related to mental illness by using a critical lens in the discussion that addresses not only the relevance but also may contribute to the public perception of mental illness. In this assignment, you will examine and describe how movies/tv shows may contribute to the public perception of a specific mental illness. You will evaluate and critique these findings and then provide relevant research that supports your evaluation of the movie/tv show Expectations/ Steps:1) Identify general information about public perceptions on the mental illness you will be covering. Find researched information that addresses these perceptions and develop ideas for yourself as a CYCP that relate to public perceptions/stigma and the promotion of advocacy as a CYCP. 2) View a movie or TV show related to a specific mental illness. 3) Research a minimum of 2 academic references (these must be from a reliable academic source like an academic journal) and use the Gural, D. M. & MacKay-Chiddenton, D. (2016). Abnormal or Exceptional: Mental Health Literacy for Child and Youth Care.Toronto: Published by Pearson Canada. – Chapter 1 (pg. 25-47 textbook to gather knowledge about the mental illness/topic – you will use this information to substantiate and critique messages/images etc. portrayed. 5) Compare the images/messages portrayed in the movie/tv show to your research 6) Integrate the research into the evaluation of the movie/tv show. 7) You must reference all your sources (including media sources, research, and websites/platforms) in APA 7. NOTE: Whichever disorder(s) you choose it MUST be connected to the topics presented in the resources are attached bellow. Your paper must include: 1. An Introduction: (Approx. ½-1 page) • Introduce the topic of stigma in relation to mental illness. In this introduction you should integrate research about how the public perceptions of mental illness contribute to stigma. Your introduction should identify some ideas related to how people living with mental illness (connect to the specific disorder you are covering) may be viewed as you begin to look at the media source. • Outline what you will be covering in the paper. 2. A Movie OR TV show (Fictional): (Approx. 1 ½ – 2 pages) • A summary of the movie or TV show (brief) • A character outline of the main character with the diagnosis • Provide a description of how the mental illness is portrayed o include the symptoms the character is exhibiting o include how these symptoms are portrayed o impact of these symptoms on the individuals life o how people/other characters responded to these symptoms o treatment the character received 3. Comparison and Societal Implication: (Approx. 1 ½ – 2 pages) • Identify the messages that your chosen movie/tv show gives to its audience o Positive and negative messages to the public about this mental illness • Compare the symptoms to your research to clarify whether the symptoms are ‘hollywoodized/exaggerated’ for entertainment purposes – to get the audience engaged/scared/sympathetic etc. • Clearly identify the differences between the movie/tv show and research o What are the difference o Why are the differences a concern? o What is the impact of these messages on children, youth, and families in care? • How would you address some of the stigma presented in the movie/tv show when working with a child/youth/family in the field? 4. Conclusion: (Approx. ½-1 page) a. Provide a thorough conclusion that summarizes the key elements of your paper and brings it to a conclusion that connects to the influence of media in relation to perceptions of Mental Illness Format for the RESEARCH paper: ➢ It should be typed in APA 7 style format and include all relevant formatting as per APA including a title page, in text citation, a reference page, page numbers etc. ➢ You may use sub-headings if it helps you to organize your paper. ~ Movie/TV List Ideas Topic Movies/TV Show Schizophrenia and Psychosis • Words on Bathroom Walls • A Beautiful Mind • The Soloist • Horse Girl • Clean, Shaven • Donnie Darko • Shutter Island • Secret Window Eating Disorders (Anorexia & Bulimia Nervosa) • To the Bone • Best Little Girl in the World • Black Swan • Perfect Illusions • Killing Us Softly • Hunger Point • Sharing The Secret • Kate’s Secret Personality Disorders • Welcome to Me • Crazy Ex-Girlfriend • Silver Linings (Focus: Tiffany – BPD) • Girl, Interrupted • Single White Female Dissociative Disorder • United States of Tara • Moon Knight • Split • Sybil • Three Faces of Eve • Frankie and Alice • Fight Club • Primal Fear • Me, Myself & Irene Amnesia • Memento (Anterograde Amnesia) • The Vow (Retrograde Amnesia) Sleep Disorders • Insomnia Use of GAI is NOT permitted. part 2 -Reflection should be TWO typed, double-spaced pages. The writing style should be clear and concise. The characteristics of such a style include grammatical correctness, appropriate vocabulary, clear sentences, and logical organization. this will be evaluated according to the following criteria: the coherence and thoughtfulness of your arguments, originality, your engagement with the resource material attached bellow and ideas, and clarity of expression. Instructions: Tatums’ article examines the distinction between subordinate (privileged) and dominant (marginalized/targeted) qualities. It also reminds us that we rarely can find anybody who is dominant in all areas. 1) Identify between 2 to 3 dominant (privileged) groups that you feel you belong to. Explain why you believe you belong to the dominant groups that you have identified. 2) Identify between 2 to 3 subordinate (less privileged) groups that you feel you belong to. Explain why you believe you belong to the subordinate groups that you have identified. 3) If you have the experience of living in different social contexts where you have belonged to different dominant and subordinate groups: feel free to explain if any of these categories have changed for you by changing the location of your residence. 4) Use the example of a person – artist, politician, athlete, comedian, … – who used their dominant identity in the service of making a better world? How did they use their subordinate identity? To answer this question, you will need to use a person with a rich enough life story to fully examine the nature of their identity. -To answer to the questions 1, 2, and 3 ensure that you use the relevant article as well the notes attaced bellow. You need to cite at least two specific sections of the article to back up your argument. Ensure to paraphrase those sections and provide the in-text citation (using APA style). -To answer the questions #4, you need to conduct a research. Ensure that you use authentic sources of information and proper in-text citation. The Complexity of Identity Tatum, B. (1997). “Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?” and other conversations about race. New York: Basic Books. this should contain the following sections: Cover letter Body of assignment References page Please avoid plagiarism in any form and shape. Do not use Generative AI.