In this activity, you will choose a manufactured object or device in your home o

In this activity, you will choose a manufactured object or device in your home o

In this activity, you will choose a manufactured object or device in your home or office that you regularly use. Then you will snap a picture of it with your phone, describe what this object is or does, and create a Bill of Materials (BOM) for that object. Also okay to use pictures on line of an object from store where you might buy it. The BOM will detail every part or piece or material that goes into the object. If it has four screws then that is an item on the list. If it has paint, that is on the list. If it has labels or instructions, that is on the list. Think of the BOM as a receipt for your object or device. You want the object or device to be interesting enough that you have at least five different parts for it preferably more.
You will post these three things (picture/links, description of object, and BOM) bits for your object or machine as your initial post this week.