In this week’s module we learned a bunch about electricity. It has also been a v

In this week’s module we learned a bunch about electricity. It has also been a v

In this week’s module we learned a bunch about electricity. It has also been a very long module. Because of this we are going to be going with a somewhat simpler discussion. This week I would like you to find an application of electricity other than turning on light bulbs and share a summary of it with the class. Find some application of electricity other than turning on light bulbs.There are lots of options. Some examples include:Electric force manifesting as other macroscopic forces: normal force, friction, chemical bonding, spring/elastic forces
Electricity in biology: our entire nervous system operates on sending electric signals through our bodies, how do we send electric signals along individual cells? (hint: look up neurons)
Applied electrostatics: photocopying, printers, air purifiersLinks to an external site., old electron tube tvsLinks to an external site. Applied electrodynamics: space heaters, electric stoves/ovens, temperature probes/thermometers, light sensors (look up phototubes)
Once you have your topic, briefly research that example then you will reply here describing/ explaining it.This initial reply is worth 5 points and is due April 5, 2024.
Reply to at least one other student to discuss their example.If it is the same example that you picked, either add on to their explanation, or point out how they expanded on your example in ways you didn’t.
If it is a different example than the one you used, you can reply about how you have experienced that process yourself or you can try to imagine up a way in which their example can be used or useful in general.
Basically just try to expand on their post and add to it.
This reply is worth 5 points and is due April 7, 2024.
Ensure you are subscribed to the discussion, so you remember to come back and view the replies to your post!
Grading: This discussion is due by the end of the day on April 7. You may post after it is due, however if you are late there will be a 10% penalty per day, up to a maximum of 50% off for over 5 days late. (That is, if you are 5 or more days late, you can still participate for half credit.)