In your readings, you reviewed various elements of Grievance Procedures within a

In your readings, you reviewed various elements of Grievance Procedures within a

In your readings, you reviewed various elements of Grievance Procedures within aviation labor relations.
Discuss a minimum of three (3) core components of Grievance Procedures within aviation labor relations and analyze how this can benefit the relationship between union labor and management. You are encouraged to illustrate your answer with an example. Please locate a peer-reviewed article to support your viewpoints.
Kaps, R., Hamilton, J., and Bliss, T., (2012). Labor relations in the aviation and aerospace industries. Southern Illinois University Press.
Read: Grievance Procedures (pp 151-162; 12 pages)
Garcia A.,B., Pender E.R., Medina F.J., Euwema M.C., (2019). Mediation in collective labor conflicts, 1st ed. Springer International Publishing.
Read: Mediation and Conciliation in Collective Labor Conflicts (Springer Link, Hunt Library) (pp 3-16; 13 pages)
Third Party Interventions at Different Phases of Collective Labor Conflict (Springer Link, Hunt Library).(pp 17-26; 9 pages)
Union websites
Flight attendants