Initial Post: Select one of two questions, develop the points/ideas you want to

Initial Post: Select one of two questions, develop the points/ideas you want to

Initial Post: Select one of two questions, develop the points/ideas you want to make, then post your initial work. All Initial Db posts are expected to be well-developed (three paragraphs in APA writing style) and correctly cited and referenced (in APA formatting).

Q1: Describe a planned change activity that you participated in or led. Explain the quality or safety issue that needed to be addressed. Explain how stakeholder data were used to inform the planned change process.
Q2: Select a patient care issue, from your work site, and explain why you would develop a planned change project to address that issue. What data would you gather to demonstrate the issue exists and explain how the issue negatively impacts patient care outcomes. Who would you select to be on your team and why?