Instructions: Using the assigned article, write a critique using the guide provi

Instructions: Using the assigned article, write a critique using the guide provi

Instructions: Using the assigned article, write a critique using the guide provided in the attachment taken from the syllabus. The paper must be in APA 7 format (title page, body with subheadings and reference page) and have 450-500 words. Focus on reviewing the article, NOT on what you think of it. Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric within the guideline .
Problem Statement: Why was this study done? What is the problem that the author identifies? What was the purpose or aim of the study? (5 points)
Background/literature review: Does the author provide citations for the studies that had been done on this subject before? Does the author provide enough information on the background so that the reader can understand the need for the current study? Provide examples. (5 points)
Research question: What is the research question. If you state it exactly as it appears in the article, please cite it as a quote. (5 points)
What are the variables of interest (independent/dependent) and the researcher’s hypothesis? (5 points)
Design: Describe the study design. (5 points)
Sample/Ethics/Setting: Discuss the sampling methodology. What evidence is provided to indicate that the participants rights were protected? Where did this study take place? (10 points)
Procedure: How did the researcher implement the study? What evidence is provided to indicate that the subject’s rights were protected. What method did the author/researcher use to collect the desired data? Are the research tools valid and reliable? (10 points)
Analysis: Discuss the data analysis-was it appropriate? (10 points)
Results: What are the reported results from the data analysis? Can the reader be confident that the intervention is truly responsible for the outcome (internal validity)? Why? (10 points)
Qualitative Content:
Design and research tradition: Which major qualitative framework was utilized? Why is it appropriate for the identified problem? (5 points)
Findings: Discuss the qualitative findings and how they enhanced the overall study results. (10 points)
Study Limitations: What (if any) limitations were identified by the author(s)? (5 points)
Future Studies: What (if any) future studies were identified by the author(s)? (5 points)
Correct APA format, grammar: (10 points)