Instructions Background Ethics is a broad spectrum of characteristics. It is imp

Ethics is a broad spectrum of characteristics. It is imp

Ethics is a broad spectrum of characteristics. It is important to understand how ethics are included in business decision-making, employee behaviors, and culture both nationally and globally. The pamphlet will be an engaging document to learn different characteristics of ethics. Instructions
Search the internet for seven ethical characteristics. Create a Word document with three columns. Define each characteristic with citation. Include visuals to make the pamphlet engaging. Write a 1 or 2 paragraph reflection of learning about the ethics characteristics. Include a title page, reference page with 3 sources. Length: This assignment must be 1-3 pages (excluding the title and reference page). References: Include 3 scholarly resources. Grading
This assignment is worth 15 points and is due on Sunday.
Due on Mar 10, 2024 11:59 PM