Instructions Critical Review Questions To be successful in your college career,

Critical Review Questions
To be successful in your college career,

Critical Review Questions
To be successful in your college career, it is important to use critical thinking skills in reading and writing for academic purposes. To practice these skills, you will complete two critical analysis reviews during this course. The first critical analysis review will be over an article you select and relates to your field of study.
For Week 1 assignment, the first step in completing a critical analysis review is to choose an article from the MACU Library’s databases. The article you choose to review should be published in the last five years and must come from the MACU library databases. If the databases do not have an article for the topic you chose, you must pick another topic to search for. Consider using Credo, which will also help you find a topic and narrow your search.
After choosing a scholarly article, complete the Critical Review Questions and submit to this dropbox. Review the Critical Review Questions Example to guide assignment completion. Notice the first task in completing the Critical Review Questions is to create an annotated bibliography entry of your selected article. Review the annotated bibliography resources provided, as well as the MACU Writing Center for additional help.
I chose Understanding Depression
from Harvard Medical School Special Health Reports from Credo