Instructions: Watch the TEDed Video: Samantha Agoos: 5 tips to improve your crit

Watch the TEDed Video: Samantha Agoos: 5 tips to improve your crit

Watch the TEDed Video: Samantha Agoos: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking
Think about a recent decision you had to make and consider:
What was the situation and how much information did you have?
How did you make the decision?
What were your alternatives?
Did you consider pros and cons?
Prepare a 1-2 page paper (double spaced, 12 pt font, APA formatted) describing the situation and decision you had to make and the process you went through to ultimately come up with your decision. Describe in your paper the different alternative you faced, the cost and benefits of each alternative, and who, if anyone, helped you decide. Finally, describe your thoughts after making this decision, i.e. will decision like this come up again, how will you change your approach to decision making in the future, and would you make the same decision again.
Submit your responses on a word document, then click on the link above to submit your response
Video Link: