INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW: Educators are more effective when th

Educators are more effective when th

Educators are more effective when they gain diverse perspectives from individuals both in and
out of the classroom. Perspective helps us understand situations from other positions, beliefs,
experiences, and points of view. For this assignment, you will gain perspective by interviewing
an adult family member of someone with special needs.
Select an adult family member of a learner with special needs and set up an interview time (you
must locate your own interviewee; do not contact the School of Education Field Office). Explain
the requirements of this assignment to your interviewee and how it will contribute to your own
educational journey.
Before the interview, access the provided Interview Template to become familiar with the
information you are to inquire about your interviewee’s experiences. Be sure to ask your
interviewee permission to take notes or audiotape the interview so you can later reflect on the
discussion. Express your appreciation and thanks for their time and perspective.
After the interview, complete the Interview Template, providing your interviewee’s response
underneath each question/prompt for Part 1: Demographics and Part 2: Interview Questions.
Responses for Part 2: Interview Questions must be rich and detailed.
For Part 3: Summary of Research-Based Teaching Strategies, summarize three research-based,
direct, explicit teaching strategies you have learned in this course that you would use to benefit
your interviewee’s family. Your summary must be at least 500 words and in current APA format
(i.e., double-spaced, in-text citations, etc.). You must include at least two APA citations (at least
one from your textbook and at least one from a peer-reviewed journal article) to support your
answers. Include references for your sources in current APA format on the references page.
For Part 4: Conclusion – Reflection and Discussion, give a well-constructed conclusion in which
you reflect on this assignment. Summarize the significance of the knowledge you gained from
this interview as a teacher for families of children with disabilities. You may address new or
confirmed perspectives, insight, or compassion you gained. Your conclusion must also discuss
your perspective of the Biblical mandate to differentiate instruction for children with disabilities.
Your conclusion must be at least 300 words, written in current APA format
Include a title page and references page in current APA format. It is acceptable to use first-
person language throughout all parts of this assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.