Intro to task – what are cookies and why do you use them? The impact of current

Intro to task – what are cookies and why do you use them? The impact of current

Intro to task – what are cookies and why do you use them? The impact of current
data privacy policy regulations on the usage of cookies.
• The application of cookies to the specific business as well as cookie usage in
hospitality in general, incorporating aspects such as
o the opportunities for cookie usage given current guidelines.
o what would you do and how would you do it? (eg – resources needed,
limitations, legal aspects, PR, implementation issues etc).
o expected future changes and how you would advise the brand on how to
mitigate them
• A table that shows the expected costs as well as your assumptions to support these
• An action plan (who, when, what, how) for management to set up and optimize
cookies for the business. The action plan should be able to guide the brand on how
to successfully implement cookie strategy.