Introduction Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI) is a term used to describe

Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI) is a term used to describe

Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI) is a term used to describe the actions or behaviors of a corporation or business that are perceived as unethical, harmful, or detrimental to society or the environment. It represents a failure on the part of a company to fulfill its social and ethical responsibilities. While corporate social responsibility (CSR) focuses on a company’s efforts to have a positive impact on society and the environment, CSI highlights actions that go against these principles.
While corporate social responsibility (CSR) focuses on a company’s efforts to have a positive impact on society and the environment, CSI highlights actions that have negatively impacted a firms reputation. The article, Cost of Being A Bad Corporate Citizen, discusses the detrimental impact of CSIs. Read the article and provide a current example of a CSR or CSI activity that has impacted an organization.
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