It is a case-analysis essay: “Explain the ICJ decision in Argentina v Uruguay. I

It is a case-analysis essay: “Explain the ICJ decision in Argentina v Uruguay. I

It is a case-analysis essay: “Explain the ICJ decision in Argentina v Uruguay. In your view, to what extent did Uruguay owe Argentina any reparations or remedial action for violating its treaty obligations?”
Structures: The case analysis will ask you to (i) explain and (ii) evaluate a case. Here’s one way to do it:
1.Intro: Quick context, set up the case, thesis that addresses the question.
2.Case: Who were the key players? What was the dispute about and why did the dispute arise? What was the decision? What was the reasoning for the decision?
3.Discuss/evaluate: (this might depend on the question – check what the question says – but in general) Do you think the decision was defensible? Why or why not? What objections might there be to your position and how would you answer them?
4.Conclusion: sum up, restate thesis, maybe address outstanding issues
For Harvard referencing, don’t forget to put page number in in-text citation.

Posted in Law