Learn how to organize your argument into a thesis statement and outline in prepa

Learn how to organize your argument into a thesis statement and outline in prepa

Learn how to organize your argument into a thesis statement and outline in preparation to write a paper.

Construct a thesis statement and an outline for a critique of Benoit Denizet-Lewis’s article “Double Lives on the Down Low.” This assignment is preparation for the upcoming critique paper.
Submit as an MSWord Document (doc or docx) or PDF in standard MLA style: 12 point font, standard margins, and double spacing; your name, course name, instructor’s name, date, and title at the top.
(1) Review Text & Annotations of “Double Lives on the Down Low” [Perusall]
(a) Use highlights and annotations to pinpoint the author’s key claims
(b) Identify the types of evidence the author uses to support those claims
(c) Identify the main rhetorical appeals the author uses to make the claims persuasive
(2) Perform a Rhetorical Analysis of “Double Lives on the Down Low” using the Guide to Rhetorical AnalysisLinks to an external site.
(a) Determine what the author is trying to accomplish in this article
(b) Note which rhetorical appeals the author uses to further this goal
(c) Evaluate to what degree and in what ways the author is successful or not in achieving this goal
(d) Consider how you can support this evaluation in your critique
(3) Review Annotations and Consider Various Critiques of Sensationalizing the Down Low
(a) Critiques of the Down Low [Perusall]
(b) Deconstructing Down Low Discourse [Perusall]
(4) Preview the Full Instructions for the Critique Paper
(5) Develop a Critique of “Double Lives on the Down Low” using the Guide to CritiqueLinks to an external site. & Video Guide to CritiqueLinks to an external site.
(a) Remember that a critique is distinct from a summary or a personal response
(b) Evaluate the quality of the text’s argument (claims) and argumentation (rhetorical appeals)
(c) Articulate a critique of the text in the form of a thesis statement with main and subclaims
(6) Submit a Thesis Statement & Outline for the Upcoming Critique Paper using the Guide to Thesis & OutlineLinks to an external site.
(a) Remember to name the author and title of the text
(b) Note that you are expected to do this analysis and writing yourself, without using external sources other than the assigned readings and guidelines
(7) Consider Feedback from the Thesis & Outline to Incorporate in Upcoming Steps of the Writing Process

Further Instructions (in addition to the above guidelines)
(1) A model of a thesis for a critique paper is the following:
Denizet-Lewis’ article “Double Lives on the Down Low” is in/effective at doing X (informing the public about health concerns, bringing an understudied social phenomenon to light, entertaining readers, selling newspapers…) because of A, B, C, and D (list subclaims – reasons for the main evaluation – in the order they will be discussed in the paper).
(2) The thesis should do these things:
(a) Explicitly focus on the object of evaluation.
(b) Make an evaluation.
(c) Connect that evaluation to the purpose of the object.
(d) Give the reasons for the evaluation/judgment.
(3) A model of an outline can be found in the Guide to CritiqueLinks to an external site.
(4) An outline should do these things:
(a) Consolidate your argument into a few key claims
(b) Hierarchize your argument into main claim, subclaims, points, and subpoints
(c) Distinguish argument from evidence
(d) Organize your claims and evidence into a logical order of presentation
(e) Present your ideas in a visually accessible (hierarchized) way, using numbering & indentation