Like all teams in business creating the right team is essential. This week we wi

Like all teams in business creating the right team is essential. This week we wi

Like all teams in business creating the right team is essential. This week we will discuss the best people for the KM team. How to select the professionals who form part of the KM team, their roles, responsibilities and skill sets.
Chapter 12: The Knowledge Management Team
Create a transcriipt for a PPT presentation, using the template below, discussing the major points for this week:
Address the issue of losing personnel from the scenario example and how KM can help stem the tide of good people leaving the company.
Address the issue of production or company performance glitches mentioned in the case scenario. Your presentation must include all of the issues presented to date to include Dawn/SECI model; Helmut/CoPs/incentives to encourage knowledge sharing/the impact of culture on KM; Harry and Imogine and missing files; Amid; Asian branch; cultural considerations and more.
Make at least three recommendations as to how GDD might effectuate KM practices to solve all the problems suggested in the case scenario.
Explain why these recommendations would work. Be sure to consider the multidisciplinary nature of KM and how these recommendations might reach across the company to touch all departments and divisions.
In your answer consider the company profile and case study facts to support the recommendations as well as the class material.
You must use course material to support your responses and APA in-text citations with a reference list.