. List 5 risk factors/signs of metabolic syndrome. 2. List the ranges for fastin

. List 5 risk factors/signs of metabolic syndrome.
2. List the ranges for fastin

. List 5 risk factors/signs of metabolic syndrome.
2. List the ranges for fasting blood glucose levels that are considered to be normal and ranges for
3. In what form do humans store excess carbohydrates? Where do humans store excess
carbohydrates in the body?
4. What is included on the Nutrition Facts panel that relates to carbohydrates?
5. What are some recommendations for reducing added sugars in an individual’s diet?
6. An increase in ________________ can form in the body if the diet is high in protein and fat but
low in carbohydrates.
7. What specific sugar is the primary fuel for active muscles?
8. What is a complex carbohydrate? Give 3 examples of complex carbohydrates.
9. What is a simple carbohydrate?
10. What are the 3 most important dietary monosaccharides for humans?
11. Regular soft drinks contain ________ __________ corn syrup. (HFCS).
12. List 3 foods that can lower blood cholesterol levels.
13. What is the name of the disaccharide that is comprised of 2 glucose molecules being joined
together by a dehydration synthesis reaction?
14. What is the role of pancreatic amylase?
15. Describe the roles of insulin and glucagon in maintaining blood glucose homeostasis.
16. Describe lactose intolerance.
17. What is the function of an adipose cell?
18. Describe the structure of a triglyceride.
19. List 2 essential fatty acids.
20. What does LDL stand for? HDL? Which of these lipoproteins contains the highest % of
21. Which of these 2 carries cholesterol away from tissues?
22. What organ is the main site for detoxifying alcohol?
23. List 3 foods that are naturally rich sources of omega-3 fats.
24. The liver uses cholesterol to make __________.
25. Differentiate between saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
26. What is the role of cholecystokinin (CCK)?
27. Which organ relies on enterohepatic circulation to recycle bile salts?
28. List 3 characteristics or conditions that increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
29. What are the negative impacts of alcohol use?
30. What is the legal limit in the United States for BAC (blood alcohol concentration)?
31. Sketch a long chain fatty acid. Label the omega end and the acid end.
32. What are the monomers (building blocks) of proteins called?
33. What four elements make up the monomer in #31?
34. What is the name of the bond that connects the monomers mentioned in #31?
35. What general role do DNA and RNA play in making proteins inside of the cell?
36. What is transamination?
37. What is denaturation?
38. What are 2 factors that can denature enzymes/proteins?
39. Differentiate between positive and negative nitrogen balance.
40. What is the formula for determining the RDA for protein in grams/day?
41. What should be avoided in individuals with celiac disease?
42. Describe the genetic disease known as phenylketonuria (PKU)