M6 Questions of interest: What models work? How effective are they? How should t

M6 Questions of interest: What models work? How effective are
they? How should t

M6 Questions of interest: What models work? How effective are
they? How should these models be made culturally
M7 Questions of interest: Should interventions aimed at
eliminating intimate partner violence focus on victims or on
perpetrators of the violence? Can we balance a focus on
empowering victims and yet at the same time ensure that we
are not engaging in victim blaming? What role or
responsibility do victims of violence have to ensure that they
are not further abused?
M8 Question of interest: What do you think leads people to make
significant changes in their behaviour and in their lives?
M9 Questions of interest: What is the meaning of success when
we talk about batterer intervention? What, if anything, do
you think needs to be included in order to make batterer
intervention programs more successful?
M10 Question of interest: After having engaged with all of the
materials for this course, what do you believe is the most
promising level of intervention in order to reduce intimate
partner violence? (Is it with perpetrators? With
victim/survivors? With the community as a whole?)
Each response paper must demonstrate comprehension of
the materials presented and address the “question(s) of
interest” of the appropriate module. Your paper must contain
the following sections:
• Section 1: Demonstrate comprehension of the
materials presented in this module.
• Section 2: Indicate whether you agree with the
materials presented.
• Section 3: Use personal reflection to address the
ideas and feelings sparked by these materials.
• Section 4: Indicate how, if at all, the materials have
changed or prodded your thinking in new directions.
These response papers will be confidential between the
student and the instructor and will not be shared with others.
Please submit these response papers as Word documents.
The paper should be five pages minimum (maximum ten
pages) and double spaced.