Main Points: Country: Cuba MLA Format 4-6 pages only sources from the list b

Main Points: Country: Cuba MLA Format
4-6 pages only sources from the list b

Main Points: Country: Cuba MLA Format
4-6 pages only sources from the list below
in-text citations (see source information for details) In this paper you will collect basic facts and information about a country assigned to you. The paper should be typed (word processed), between 4-6 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, with 1-inch margins, exclusive of graphics or maps. For this case study, you will focus on one country. The factual information you gather will include:
 Geographic setting (include key neighboring countries and a MAP)
 Population demographics
 Social/cultural structure (language, religion, and ethnicity)
 Political system (types of political parties, electoral system, type of government e.g. democracy,
authoritarian, etc.)
 Economic system (type of economy, GDP, unemployment rates and major industries,
 UN member profile (date of admission to the UN, membership in other international orgs e.g.
European Union, African Union, OPEC, etc.)
Format/Organization of the Paper is:
Case Study – (Country Name)
Author (you), Due Date of Report
1. Introduction paragraph – overview of the case study
2. Geographic setting paragraph
3. Social and cultural structure paragraph
4. Political structure paragraph
5. Economic structure paragraph
6. UN Profile
7. Reference list (Sources of cited material), alphabetized.
Source information: You MUST ONLY use the sources listed below for this paper. Do not use any other outside sources.
You must use at least four different sources of information for this report, including:
 One news report from a reliable news source (can be a U.S. source or non-U.S. source) about your
country from the year 2013
 One source must be an official source from within the country, for example: a government website, a
news report from within the country, a local NGO working on an issue, etc.
Source List
CIA World Factbook
United Nations
World Bank
Encyclopedia Britannica
Council on Foreign
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Country
Reports (U.S. State
Amnesty International
Population Reference
Bureau (PRB)
Doctors Without Borders
News Sites: You must use
the library news site link to
identify news sources for
the paper. Only news
sources linked to the
library URL will be
Your paper should provide proper in-text citations for the sources of the information and an
appropriate references list for your sources at the end of the paper. Please use MLA style for both in-
text citations AND the Works Cited page.