Many of the historical nurses that you met in the lecture material were dealing

Many of the historical nurses that you met in the lecture material were dealing

Many of the historical nurses that you met in the lecture material were dealing with several urgent health care and wellness concerns. Select one historical nursing figure from the lecture ice and identify a significant issue that they were dealing with.
the nurse selected is Clarissa Harlowe Barton, known as Clara – one of
most honored women in American history
You may use the supplemental readings and media to gain additional insights in to the life and work of your selected nursing figure. Go back in time and work with this nurse as a colleague to help them effectively deal with the issue. This colleague is looking for your support and help.
We will use the Module 5 Discussion Board for this assignment. Title your post with the name of selected historical nursing figure.
Post a brief descriiption of the problem that you will solve together and your solution/approach to one of their serious concerns. Use the following framework/rubric:
(1) Adequately Identify the problem (20 points).
(2) Describe the barriers to success in solving the problem (20 points).
(3) Describe resources that could be available to approach the issue (20 points).
(4) Discuss how could history have had a different outcome? (20 Points).
(5) Cite at least two sources using APA format (20 points).
Your primary posting should be approximately 300-500 words. One peer response is required. See syllabus for primary posting and peer response posting due dates.