Many risk management products today calculate risk, but many risk analysts reall

Many risk management products today calculate risk, but many risk analysts reall

Many risk management products today calculate risk, but many risk analysts really don’t understand how the product actually calculates risk. Many analysts just assume the vendor is calculating risk correctly, they never question or actually qualify the tool they have selected. Like cybersecurity as a whole, practitioners need to understand how each of their tools work and be able to describe them in a court of law. Tools need to be qualified before being used.

Your final project over the next 8 weeks will be to create a risk calculator for your organization. If you don’t have an organization to model your risk calculator, select a real company to use as your model. Remember whatever organization you pick; this risk calculator must be realistic. You must explain why you included the functions you did to calculate your risk. This exercise is not to pick an existing risk calculator and perform a literature review on it. This final assignment is to develop your own risk calculator and explain / justify why you designed it the way you did.
This week your assignment is to do research, lots of research. Examine 10 or more resources on risk calculation. Assemble a draft reference list that you will use in your final project. This is initial research for the final project.
For example review the following simple calculatorLinks to an external site.:
10-20 references (at least half should be peer-reviewed). Please use actual references that I will take information from for this project.
Use APA reference format