Movie: “The Farewell” (2019) written and directed by Lulu Wang *I attached the c

Movie: “The Farewell” (2019) written and directed by Lulu Wang
*I attached the c

Movie: “The Farewell” (2019) written and directed by Lulu Wang
*I attached the course materials (cultural psychological concepts) and Assignment Instruction word file below.
(You can write down the answers in the Assignment Instruction word file I attached.) Thanks for your help!!? *The contents below are the same as the Assignment Instruction word file. Purpose: Movies are not only fun to watch, but also provide us with an opportunity to capture human behavior on film. The purpose of this movie assignment is to apply cultural psychological concepts learned in course to real-world phenomena. Please complete this assignment after watching the movie “The Farewell.” Assignment Instructions: Identify 3 cultural psychological concepts learned in class that are depicted or exemplified by the characters of the movie. When you watch the movie, pay attention to the cultural differences between Billi, who grew up in New York, and her parents and family members from China. Responses should be concise: no longer than 300 words for each entry. Any entry that are more than 300 words will not be graded. 1. Describe a scene/situation/behavior/characters where you observe the manifestations of the differences between independent self vs. interdependent self? a. Describe the cultural differences you observed from the scene. e.g., In the movie, [description of what happened in the scene that illustrate cultural differences]. b. What are independent vs. interdependent selves? c. How does the scene connect to independent and interdependent self? 2. Describe one scene that connect a theory about cultural differences in self, self-esteem, emotion expressions, motivation, or parenting styles etc. a. Describe cultural differences you observed from the scene.
b. Name and define the specific concepts/theories.
c. discuss how that can explain the cultural differences of the scene.
3. Describe a different scene that connect a theory about cultural differences in self, self-esteem, emotion expressions, motivation, or parenting styles etc. a. Describe cultural differences you observed from the scene.
b. Name and define the specific concepts/theories.
c. discuss how that can explain the cultural differences of the scene. (Please answer in a numbered or bullet-point format. Do not answer in an essay format.)
Additional instructions:
• Make sure you choose different concepts for each entry.
• The concepts should be specific cultural psychological terms, not everyday terms and not overly broad terms.