MUS 3120 – Explorations in World Music Part 1 – Unknown Listening (FIVE examp

MUS 3120 – Explorations in World Music

Part 1 – Unknown Listening (FIVE examp

MUS 3120 – Explorations in World Music

Part 1 – Unknown Listening (FIVE examples) 

Identify the musical genre of closely related pieces of music that you have not previously listened to, and discuss elements of their musical style (such as which instruments are involved, what the form or structure of the song is, how we might think about rhythm and meter in the song, etc.)

Part 2 – Short Answer (Choose THREE)

Pick THREE of the below to answer. You may respond to these questions with a short paragraph response or bullet point details if appropriate. Describe the significance of these concepts in the context of the various types of music we have studied.
How did tango evolve over time, and what were some of the major musical and cultural influences on its development?

Describe the typical instrumentation of a tango ensemble, and explain how each instrument contributes to the overall sound and feel of the music.

What is toyi-toyi, and what elements make it a powerful tool for expressing political opinions?

Describe the history of the piece Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika, including the importance of the lyrics, music, and time period from which the work emerged.

What is the role of “coded” language in musical performances? Please give an example with detail.

Part 3 – Long Answer (Choose ONE)

Over the semester we have studied music from multiple places, spaces, cultures, and times. While there are significant differences that mark these styles, there are also a number of commonalities that we have found across musical cultures. In this short essay, first select one of the two topics below. Your response should be roughly five paragraphs in length and MUST include the following: four specific musical references from our class listening or from the text, two important practitioners of these musical concepts, and a comparison between at least two different musical cultures.

Please explain the musical technique “call and response.” What are the musical implications of this? What are the social implications of this? Are those elements intertwined? In your answer, consider elements like ensemble, venue, and cultural histories to unpack the role of call and response as a form of music-making.
How does music broadcast the values and memories of a particular community? In your response, reflect on the musical cultures we have studied by comparing the role of music as a memory tool. You may use your own experience as well! Consider how music elicits memories, and why we use music to communicate our desires/hopes/fears.
You may use your own experience as well! Consider how music elicits memories, and why we use music to communicate our desires/hopes/fears.