Objective: Understand the movement created by gutters and different transition t

Understand the movement created by gutters and different transition t

Understand the movement created by gutters and different transition types
Analyze the transition type’s impact on the story being told
Analyze the effect of closure provided by the gutter
Starting from page 6 of the PDF Transitions and Gutters, choose one of the comics that follow. Read the description provided for the comic. Based on that description and the image, analyze how the type of transition and use of gutters move the story or assumed plot along.
Possible starters: According to the description provided, the artist uses ____________________________ to explore the plot/movement/idea presented in this comic.
The use of __________________________________ allows the reader to…
The gutters assist the transition by…
Complete this work in a PowerPoint (no pictures accepted unless they are on a Word document) in the correct MLA format. Provide an introduction slide in MLA, at least two slides worth of key information in bullet point form, and a Work Cited slide. A transcript of your verbal presentation of no more than one A4 double-spaced, size 12 font page correctly formatted in MLA Style.
You will be assessed based on the quality and accuracy of your bullet points, the clarity and formality of your verbal presentation, the correctness of written material for SPAG, and the accurate use of MLA formatting. Please be mindful of your work.