On the next page are the first two paragraphs of a paper containing errors in he

On the next page are the first two paragraphs of a paper containing errors in he

On the next page are the first two paragraphs of a paper containing errors in headings and headers. (This text comes from a web site devoted to Skinner: www.bfskinner.org. For the purposes of this assignment, you don’t need to be concerned with proper citations for sources.) The title of this paper is Understanding B. F. Skinner, Father of Behavioral Psychology (make sure you format this title correctly as this is NOT a level one heading, it is a non-level heading). There are 5 errors all together. Copy this file into your word processor and make all the corrections to that paper, then delete the rest of these instructions. What you submit will fit onto one page – it will have just what the first page of the paper should look like.