Our Case: Amar and Devi are Asian-Americans in their early-50’s (they came to th

Our Case: Amar and Devi are Asian-Americans in their early-50’s (they came to th

Our Case: Amar and Devi are Asian-Americans in their early-50’s (they came to the U.S. years ago from India). They have been married for 25 years and have grown children who live in California. Both work full-time, Devi as an computer information specialist with the city government and Amar as Athens Clarke County police officer, and they each have benefit packages that include health insurance. Amar has just been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. He does not know what to do to cope with the disease. Amar and Devi need to know what is available to help at their worksites and in the community to manage this diagnosis. The goal of these 3 pages is to find only data on the local prevalence and the morbidity/mortality of diabetes in Athens, Georgia. This paper does not need to include anything about Amar and Devi at all, just background information on diabetes. I have attached the file that it needs to flow into. My section will be the one right before “prevention and treatment”