Overview Using what you’ve learned, create a sales plan for a new or existing pr

Overview Using what you’ve learned, create a sales plan for a new or existing pr

Overview Using what you’ve learned, create a sales plan for a new or existing product at a company. Preparation Step 1: Choose a topic from the choices presented in Week 7. Step 2: Choose a format from the list presented in Week 7. Academic Paper: Font: 12-pt Times New Roman. Spacing: Double spaced. Length: 2–4 pages. Presentation (PowerPoint with audio and/or video). 2–4 minutes, 6–8 slides Include title slide and reference slide. Step 3: Find resources. Total Needed: 4 Types of Resources: You are expected to use your textbook, at least two other professional or academic resources, and at least one scholarly resource from the library. If you need help searching the Capella Library, review the Business Research Library Guide Links to an external site.. Chapter 15 in your text includes relevant information on sales force management, including important concepts such as relationship marketing, building customer value, sales force structure, prospecting, and sales promotion. Instructions Imagine you are tasked with the creating a sales plan for a new or existing product at your company. In your assignment, include the following: Define a set of sales goals for the business and justify why those goals were chosen. Be sure the goals are measurable. Design viable sales strategies and recommend at least two tactics that are suited to the target market. Explain why they are suitable and were selected. Explain how these strategies will contribute to the success of the business. Support your strategies with at least one source. Define strategies to motivate and manage your sales team. Explain why the methods or actions could be successful. Create an evaluation plan to determine whether the sales plan was successful. Support your plan with plausible and thoughtful rationales, using at least one source. Notes: If submitting the academic paper, Word is the preferred file format. If recording a presentation, PowerPoint is the preferred file format for the slides. Kaltura is the preferred audio/video recording tool. Requirements Your assignment should also meet the following requirements: Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and professional. Your assignment should be: Concise and logically organized. Free of errors in grammar and mechanics. Validation and support: Use a minimum of four relevant, credible, scholarly or professional resources such as the Wall Street Journal to support your work. APA format: Ensure you give credit to your sources. Use APA formatting when appropriate. Refer to the Evidence and APA Links to an external site. Campus page for guidance.