Overview: You will research relevant cases and laws and will draft a six (6) t

Overview: You will research relevant cases and laws and will draft a six (6) t

Overview: You will research relevant cases and laws and will draft a six (6) to eight (8) page research paper. A substantial draft of the paper will be submitted in Week 6 and your final copy of the research paper and presentation will be submitted in Week 7. List of Unacceptable Topics: Human resource law, employment law, diversity, discrimination.
Research Paper Requirements: Between Weeks 2 and 6, you will research and prepare a six (6) to eight (8) full pages (excluding title page, abstract, and references) position paper in APA format addressing all of the following issues:
Identifies ethical issues as they are related to the business environment
Ethical Analysis – includes concepts, theories, practices, and social responsibility as relating to ethics studied in this class
Legal Analysis – includes appropriate legal theories, laws, codes precedent and researched court cases
Law v. Ethics – liability versus responsibility Important Information for this Paper
Students should review the template for a research paper on the main class page.
Students will be expected to include three (3) to four (4) scholarly resources which will include at least one business journal and two named companies or legal cases that have dealt with the selected topic. Wikipedia and private law firms are not scholarly sources.
Students will be expected to submit their papers in APA format with in-text citations and references
Students should review the grading rubric for additional information as to expectations for the paper
If you are not familiar with APA, please review the sections on APA on the course home page or on the library website. You can also contact the Student Success Center for assistance. This instructor as well as Wilmington University takes plagiarism very seriously. If plagiarism is detected, I will award a zero as a grade. If there are multiple instances of plagiarism, the student will be reported to the University. Students are reminded that plagiarism is also submitting a paper you prepared for another class in this class.
MAKE SURE to use in-text citations and provide the references page at the end of the paper in APA format.
TOPIC: The Ethics and Potential Negligence of Selling Dangerous Products (IN THE MIND OF THE BUSINESS, NOT THE CONSUMER)