OVERVIEW This is mock contingency plan presentation. The goal is exhibit unders

This is mock contingency plan presentation. The goal is exhibit unders

This is mock contingency plan presentation. The goal is exhibit understanding of warfare in the Greater Middle East.
TOPIC: The local military power check of Iran and Iraq has been diminished due to U.S. involvement in the Middle East over the last decade and with the impending U.S. withdraw from the region, Iran has no military power keeping it in check. With this new opportunity Iran turns its attention on Israel, the remaining western presence in the region.
Create a mock contingency plan briefing as a member of the Israel Defense Force. This contingency briefing is for a potential conflict that could ensue with Iran. Research from reputiable and scholary sites to create a contingency plan briefing using historical middle east examples from ancient to contemporary to back your claims.
Create a contingency plan briefing document that’s easy to read (main), well designed, have visual aids, the assignment is to show the main elements of warfare in Greater Middle East. Using the headings below show how each element would play into conflict between Israel and Iran.
Notes pages will provide all details an context to support each slide. Notes pages for each slide will be indepth in order to define the objective of each slide
• Conflict Summary slide
o explain METT-TC (Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops and Time available and civilian considerations)
o show the elements shaping the Operational environment through PMESII-PT (Politics-Military-Economics-Social-Information-Infrastructure.
• Geographic Elements slide
o o evaluate the major geographic and environmental elements that factor into the conflict of the potential battlefield(s).
o describe various domains, cyber, air, sea etc that are a factor.
• Technological Elements slide
o evaluate the technological advantage and disadvantages of each player.
• Intelligence Resources slide
o explain the potential intelligence (Cyber, Human, etc.) elements that would factor into the conflict.
o showing Iranian center of gravity and critical factors analysis
• Cultural Analysis slide
o analysis the cultural differences and the factors that they play in this conflict.
• Outcome slide
o Using the analysis from the contingency plan summarize the potential outcome(s) of the objectives.
• Bibliography (1 slide Turabin format)
o All sources used for the briefing.
Each presentation should be:
• Easy to Read
o Meaning that only main topics and information should be in the presentation and the bulk of the information should be in your presentation of the briefing document
• Visual Aids,
o Each area of the briefing should have a visual aid and help the view understand the concepts being discussed.
Note: This assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.