Overview: The purpose of the essay is to provide a vehicle to assess the student

The purpose of the essay is to provide a vehicle to assess the student

The purpose of the essay is to provide a vehicle to assess the student’s critical thinking, stated lesson educational objectives, and academic writing skills. Answer your selected writing prompt and provide evidence to support your position from the course materials or outside sources. Use original thought and analyze the topic with the knowledge gained in the course and through your life experiences. Ensure to use proper in-text citations when citing a source.
The assignment is to write a 750-1200 word essay answering the questions below. Students must bold their thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the essay.
Any supporting material used in your essay that is not your own original thought must give credit to the original source. You should do this by citing your sources using both in-text citations and a reference page on a new page following the end of your essay; this helps avoid any accidental plagiarism issues within your essay. Refer to the ECDEP Citation Guidelines (CC661020REQG) for specific citation instruction. Refer to the last page of The ECDEP Essay (CC6610REQD) for a reference page example.
Essay Prompt:
a. What is the connection between the Marine Corps’ institutional values and resilience, and what is the SNCO’s role in developing both?
The CC6715 Essay Rubric provides the grading criteria for this assignment.

• The author places the central point within the top 2% of the document and fron

• The author places the central point within the top 2% of the document and fron

• The author places the central point within the top 2% of the document and frontloads within sections, paragraphs, and bullet points.
• The argument is deeply issue-focused, delving into the heart of the matter, and is supported by a comprehensive analysis of data and primary sources, showcasing the author’s expertise and thorough research.
• Uses active voice primarily; passive voice is used rarely, and logically visible patterns of sentence construction errors.
• All written units (words, sentences, bullet points, or paragraphs)
• Uses standard written English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, mechanics, formatting, and citations without visible mistakes.
Let’s Use General Colin Powell as a key leadership example.

Using the attached background information, develop a 1550-1700 word document whe

Using the attached background information, develop a 1550-1700 word document whe

Using the attached background information, develop a 1550-1700 word document where you address each of the following tasks. While discrete, these tasks are part of a continuous process and need to be coherent and continue the logic and rationale presented in previous tasks. Ensure you clearly label each section with the respective task title to indicate your responses to each distinct question. The document should encompass your detailed responses to all the following tasks: COG IDENTIFICATION: Identify the operational-level Center of Gravity (COG) for Caprica. Provide rationale for your selection, then conduct a critical factor analysis (CFA) for the COG you identified. From this CFA, provide one critical capability, two critical requirements, and two critical vulnerabilities, as well as a brief explanation for the derivation of these factors for each COG. (450-550 words).
COA DEVELOPMENT: Develop and describe one Course of Action (COA) that is distinguishable from both the two COAs provided in the Staff Estimate. (150-250 words).
COA VALIDITY: Conduct a doctrinal validity test on the COA you developed and describe your results (400-450 words). Remember the ultimate goal of COA validity is to determine whether COAs are appropriate for presentation to CCDR.
COA COMPARISON: Using the five evaluation criteria provided in paragraph 3 of the Staff Estimate of the Situation, conduct a COA Comparison between the COA you developed and any one of the given COAs. You may use any format you choose (including the sample decision matrix found earlier in this lesson). Explain your methodology and your results (450-550 words).
Use all the attached for references, including JP 3-0 and 5-0, or additional references can be added.

Please conduct a leadership Case study on The Battle of Carentan, with specific

Please conduct a leadership Case study on The Battle of Carentan, with specific

Please conduct a leadership Case study on The Battle of Carentan, with specific focus on United States Leadership dynamics which led to the successes / failures of that battle . Format is APA 7th. The first paragraph should include a lead-in, the intent of the battle, what actually happned, what went well, and how it could have been improved, and then a thesis. Following paragraphs should each focus on a separate Principle of Mission Command respectively as they pertain to the Battle. These principles are Competence, Mutual Trust, shared understanding, Commander’s Intent, Mission Orders, Disciplined Initiative, and Risk Acceptance. Paragraphs should include shared lessons learned from successes or failures.The final paragraph should be a conclusion Please include in-text citations in APA 7th Standard format and cited sources at the end. I will include a rubric following my order to ensure clarity of requirements.

OVERVIEW This is mock contingency plan presentation. The goal is exhibit unders

This is mock contingency plan presentation. The goal is exhibit unders

This is mock contingency plan presentation. The goal is exhibit understanding of warfare in the Greater Middle East.
TOPIC: The local military power check of Iran and Iraq has been diminished due to U.S. involvement in the Middle East over the last decade and with the impending U.S. withdraw from the region, Iran has no military power keeping it in check. With this new opportunity Iran turns its attention on Israel, the remaining western presence in the region.
Create a mock contingency plan briefing as a member of the Israel Defense Force. This contingency briefing is for a potential conflict that could ensue with Iran. Research from reputiable and scholary sites to create a contingency plan briefing using historical middle east examples from ancient to contemporary to back your claims.
Create a contingency plan briefing document that’s easy to read (main), well designed, have visual aids, the assignment is to show the main elements of warfare in Greater Middle East. Using the headings below show how each element would play into conflict between Israel and Iran.
Notes pages will provide all details an context to support each slide. Notes pages for each slide will be indepth in order to define the objective of each slide
• Conflict Summary slide
o explain METT-TC (Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops and Time available and civilian considerations)
o show the elements shaping the Operational environment through PMESII-PT (Politics-Military-Economics-Social-Information-Infrastructure.
• Geographic Elements slide
o o evaluate the major geographic and environmental elements that factor into the conflict of the potential battlefield(s).
o describe various domains, cyber, air, sea etc that are a factor.
• Technological Elements slide
o evaluate the technological advantage and disadvantages of each player.
• Intelligence Resources slide
o explain the potential intelligence (Cyber, Human, etc.) elements that would factor into the conflict.
o showing Iranian center of gravity and critical factors analysis
• Cultural Analysis slide
o analysis the cultural differences and the factors that they play in this conflict.
• Outcome slide
o Using the analysis from the contingency plan summarize the potential outcome(s) of the objectives.
• Bibliography (1 slide Turabin format)
o All sources used for the briefing.
Each presentation should be:
• Easy to Read
o Meaning that only main topics and information should be in the presentation and the bulk of the information should be in your presentation of the briefing document
• Visual Aids,
o Each area of the briefing should have a visual aid and help the view understand the concepts being discussed.
Note: This assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

I need a Literature Review that synthesizes sources on this topic. Research on

I need a Literature Review that synthesizes sources on this topic.
Research on

I need a Literature Review that synthesizes sources on this topic.
Research on the benefits of creating an official social media page for military dependents stationed abroad emphasizing the ability to share information, extensive accessibility, transparency and community engagement. Review on potential disadvantages to secure communication on social media, such as potential security threats and operational security risk.
Must have at least 4 scholarly sources.

You must identify a domestic pre-9/11 terrorist event and a domestic post-9/11 t

You must identify a domestic pre-9/11 terrorist event and a domestic post-9/11 t

You must identify a domestic pre-9/11 terrorist event and a domestic post-9/11 terrorist event that wil be the focus of your
research paper. Note: The two terrorist events that are selected must have occurred at least 5 years apart.
In Unit VI, submit your research paper on your chosen domestic pre- and post-9/11 terrorist event. The research paper
must be written using the folowing outline structure:
1. Title page
2. Introduction: In this section, identify the two terrorist events that have been previously selected, and briefly explain why
these events serve as good comparison points for evaluating how terrorist activities have evolved over time.
3. Pre-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the first terrorist event that is being used for comparison. The
descriiption of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and eventual
outcome of the event.
4. Post-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the second terrorist event that is being used for comparison. The
descriiption of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and eventual
outcome of the event.
5. Terrorist events comparison: In this section, compare and contrast the two terrorist events that were described in the
previous sections. Suggested areas for comparison include (1) motivations for attacks, (2) methods of attack, (3)
impact on society, and (4) lessons learned from attacks that can be used to develop counterterrorist strategies. You
should also discuss how terrorist strategies have evolved from the first event to the second event.
6. Discuss how Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and other technology can be used to prevent future similar
7. Summary and conclusions: In this section, summarize the evolution of terrorism based upon the two selected events.
8. References: Provide a reference list.
While the level of detail in each section of the research paper wil vary, it is expected that the final paper wil be at least three
pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for al sources that are
used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

write a 1000-1200 word essay: attached: Draft, which needs to be plagrism free

write a 1000-1200 word essay:
Draft, which needs to be plagrism free

write a 1000-1200 word essay:
Draft, which needs to be plagrism free (,) are place holders for references/citations.
“Combined Arms” is a military approach which seeks to integrate different branches of a military to achieve mutually complementary effects. For instance, infantry and armor divisions are combined in a way that maximizes their strengths and minimizes their weaknesses. The concept became particularly prominent during World War II.
Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943): Although perhaps not a classic example of combined arms as it’s often understood today (integration of infantry, armor, and artillery), Stalingrad shows the important interaction between the strategic and tactical, with both sides using their forces in combination for different aims. The Luftwaffe (German Air Force) was used to bombard the city, while the infantry and armor units were fighting in close quarters in the city itself. In response, the Soviets launched Operation Uranus, a two-pronged attack that targeted the weaker Romanian and Hungarian forces protecting the German 6th Army’s flanks.