Please conduct a leadership Case study on The Battle of Carentan, with specific

Please conduct a leadership Case study on The Battle of Carentan, with specific

Please conduct a leadership Case study on The Battle of Carentan, with specific focus on United States Leadership dynamics which led to the successes / failures of that battle . Format is APA 7th. The first paragraph should include a lead-in, the intent of the battle, what actually happned, what went well, and how it could have been improved, and then a thesis. Following paragraphs should each focus on a separate Principle of Mission Command respectively as they pertain to the Battle. These principles are Competence, Mutual Trust, shared understanding, Commander’s Intent, Mission Orders, Disciplined Initiative, and Risk Acceptance. Paragraphs should include shared lessons learned from successes or failures.The final paragraph should be a conclusion Please include in-text citations in APA 7th Standard format and cited sources at the end. I will include a rubric following my order to ensure clarity of requirements.