Paper #2——-Applying a theoretical construct: Interpreting a text for Social

Paper #2——-Applying a theoretical construct: Interpreting a text for Social

Paper #2——-Applying a theoretical construct: Interpreting a text for Social Order
Social order can be described as a series of systems that maintains an imbalance of power among
social groups so as to benefit the class given privilege, or in some cases it is argued to benefit the
whole society. There are a number of belief systems, traditions, and cultural practices that are part of
the constant process of reinforcing a particular culture’s social order.
For example, a society that is based on the social superiority of GROUP A over GROUP B may keep
this social order in place by developing religious, biological, social, intellectual, economic, historical
or other various rationale for this power structure. In most cases a combination of these rationale are
used. In many of these cases, GROUP A will argue that even though their position of superiority over
GROUP B might seem unfair, it is actually “for their own good.”
Having briefly explained the concept of social order, now you must look to see this concept at work in
a text. For this assignment, you will write a paper in which you interpret a text to analyze what
ideas it is conveying about a particular social order. You will need to thoroughly probe how this
text portrays the social order being portrayed within the story. In doing this, here are some questions to
 Is the text endorsing or promoting the existing social order within this story?
 Is the text rejecting this social order and instead suggesting a better alternative?
 Is the text demonstrating the flaws and/or positive attributes of a particular social order?
 Is the text demonstrating the effects of social order on individuals? What are those effects?
 Does the text make a statement as to whether an individual can change the existing social
 Does the text suggest that individuals can and/or should try to remove themselves from the
existing social order? How?
In developing your analysis, it is key to point to specific textual evidence to back up your points. It is
important to recognize that not every text will simply be promoting the current prevailing social order,
but it may be advocating a completely different view. In looking at social order, issues of race, gender,
sexuality, and economic class may be prominent. However, these are not the only categories that may
influence the construction of a particular social order.
The concept that a text is promoting a particular social order does not require that the writer thought of
this as a goal of their text. In fact, the writer may not even have considered this concept, but the way
their characters are portrayed, the dialogue, and the happenings of their plot may ultimately send these
For this assignment, you may use any of the following kinds of texts to analyze: Short story, novel,
play, poem, film, song lyrics, music video, or television show.
Include a cover page with the paper title, your name, and the course information.
-This paper will be at least 3 complete pages in length. Do not exceed 6 pages. This page count does
not include the cover page or Works Cited Page.
-This assignment does not require you to use research sources (beyond your primary text). However,
you may do so if you choose, but don’t let the analysis from other sources be the primary analysis
within your paper. In other words, your interpretation should dominate this paper.
-You must use proper MLA format, including in-text citations where necessary & a Works Cited Page.
Even if you analyze a visual text (such as film or TV show), a Works Cite
Use the file to help with the writing
1) Make sure the paper focuses on discussing the text you’ve chosen and clearly providing examples that demonstrate the key messages you’ve indicated in your topic sentences & thesis.
2) Whenever mentioning the title of a TV show or film, the title should be capitalized and italicized. For example: The Simpsons
3) The paper should be at least 3 complete pages in length, PLUS a Works Cited Page.
4) Use standard font and margins. This means 1 inch margins on all sides and a font such as Times New Roman 12 or Arial 10. See the lesson on MLA layout from Unit 1 of our course for more on layout, including the proper heading.
6) A Works Cited Page should be included (in addition to the 3 pages of actual essay). The only source that needs to be cited is the text you are analyzing. You should not use other sources within this paper.