Paper and PowerPoint, following and answering the instructions from the pictures

Paper and PowerPoint, following and answering the instructions from the pictures

Paper and PowerPoint, following and answering the instructions from the pictures. Minimum of ten slides. due Monday, February 13th.
PSDA Topic:
Identify current hygiene practices and areas for improvement. Objectives include increasing compliance with mask-wearing, distancing, and hand sanitizer use. Strategies involve staff education, adequate supply provision, and workflow redesign.
Implement interventions on a small scale in a specific unit. Conduct staff training, distribute masks and sanitizer stations, and modify scheduling/layouts to encourage distancing.
Collect data on compliance and infection rates before and after interventions. Monitor usage and gather feedback from staff and patients regarding effectiveness.
Analyze data to determine impact. If results show improvement, standardize interventions across the facility. Provide ongoing training and monitoring, adjusting as necessary to optimize practices.
This format provides a concise breakdown of each stage of the PDSA cycle, making it easier to grasp and implement the improvements in healthcare hygiene practices.