Paper assignment guidelines Short essay of 150-200 words in APA style. The Assig

Paper assignment guidelines
Short essay of 150-200 words in APA style. The Assig

Paper assignment guidelines
Short essay of 150-200 words in APA style. The Assignment should be submitted on time with a properly filled cover page. Proper guidelines mentioned in the assignment must be followed.
Conduct your own research to explore further online resources to provide the conceptual idea and avoid using advertising or commercial material.
Do not use bullet points in representing your answer.
The assignment should have the COVER PAGE with SEU logo and the details of who is submitting and to whom is it submitted.
Assignments with improper names and formats will be rejected.
1.5 line spacing, 12 Times New Roman fonts
Assignments should only be submitted through Blackboard in Word document only and not through email.
Use proper APA-style references with in-text citations, avoid using the textbook as a reference.
Avoid Plagiarism.
Grading Criteria for the Paper Assignment
Some Proficiency
Limited Proficiency
No Proficiency
The purpose and focus are clear and consistent

Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and mechanics are appropriate

Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively

Analysis/synthesis/evaluation/interpretation are effective and consistent

Connections be