Part 1: Theorist Profiles Conduct a comprehensive profile for each theorist, con

Part 1: Theorist Profiles Conduct a comprehensive profile for each theorist, con

Part 1: Theorist Profiles Conduct a comprehensive profile for each theorist, considering the following aspects: Background information (e.g., education, profession) Key concepts and principles of their theory Stages or phases proposed by the theory Significant contributions to the field of developmental psychology Application of the theory in nursing practice a. Jean Piaget b. Erik Erikson c. Lev Vygotsky d. Urie Bronfenbrenner e. Lawrence Kohlberg f. Sigmund Freud g. Carol Gilligan h. John Bowlby i. Mary Ainsworth j. Arnold Gesell k. Albert Bandura l. Jean-Jacques Rousseau m. Arnold Gesell n. John Locke Part 2: Define Theory Analysis and Application Define the following below Nature vs. Nurture Continuity vs. Discontinuity: Critical Periods: Cultural Considerations: Part 3: Discuss the 8 stages of Erik Erikson theory