Please answer 2 Discussion Questions, then write 2 peer reviews (with examples f

Please answer 2 Discussion Questions, then write 2 peer reviews (with examples f

Please answer 2 Discussion Questions, then write 2 peer reviews (with examples from google scholar) for each discussion question
DQ 1 :
Research a current event taking place in your industry. Post a link with a two- to three-sentence summary. What natural connections can you make between the current event and your career goals? Share your personal thoughts on the article.
Job: Team Lead
Work: Fashion Industry
Company: Zara
DQ 2:
There are two predominant forms of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. For example, people may be motivated through rewards and recognition from their managers and peers (extrinsic), or people may be motivated by challenging work and the ability to accomplish new things (intrinsic). Generally, extrinsic motivators are more temporary in nature, providing a brief spike in employee satisfaction and performance, whereas intrinsic motivators are seen as more long-term, providing a sustained rise in employee satisfaction and performance. Is money (base pay, a raise, a bonus, etc.) an intrinsic motivator or an extrinsic motivator? And is it long term? Why?
Do these in order:
Please answer the Discussion Questions & write two peer reviews separately for each DQ (½ page each)
Peer reviews have to be included examples from google scholar
– In correct APA format, write the citation.
– please submit the paper on time and make sure NO PLAGIARISM!!!