Please create a short case example related to the topic being addressed by your

Please create a short case example related to the topic being addressed by your

Please create a short case example related to the topic being addressed by your peer (Cystic Fibrosis). Please see the example. Case Presentation Response Template (Word). (attached)
For the peer presentations, you are going to be creating a patient case. So the idea is the initial post (initial post was a presentation of Cystic Fibrosis) is like a presentation on the pathophysiology of the disease process. And then your peer responses are going to be, what does this actually look like if you were to see a person in a clinical setting with this disease process
You don’t want to say the patient is a four-year-old boy with a headache. You want to make sure that if you were to read this presentation out loud to somebody, it sounds like you’re presenting a patient. So it would sound like you’re giving a report on a situation. Who is the patient
What symptoms do they have
Any relevant history. What does their physical exam finding look like
And this includes pertinent negatives as well.
So you don’t just want to say we are doing abdominal pain. And the person has right lower quadrant pain. You don’t just want to say tenderness in the right lower quadrant. You also want to talk about, well, what is the rest of their exam look like
Please at least two scholarly references that are less than five years old