Please follow the instructions on how to write a position paper and the rubric t

Please follow the instructions on how to write a position paper and the rubric t

Please follow the instructions on how to write a position paper and the rubric to make sure this is completed properly!
1. Write 2-3 page position papers on select topics we discuss in class such as legislative efforts at the local or national level (more on this below). 2. Discuss the policy issue, its potential impact on immigrants in the U.S. and your personal thoughts on the issue.
3. You can build on the classroom timeline project work for this assignment. Select a theme or thread from doing this immigration timeline project- which focused on national immigration-related policies up through 1998. For example, it can focus on a particular country, region or people over time, a comparison between two laws/policies, the relationship between a particular law and historical moment, war and conflict and its relationship to policy, economic issues in relation to policy, race, class or gender, etc. These are just examples, not that you have to choose one of these areas. (I have provided 3 different slideshows for immigration timeline to choose from like it speaks about above, you can pick to ONE slideshow to speak on and include the groups names from the slides you are taking )
4. Remember to include at least 3 sources to support your points, a reference page, and in-text citations APA FORMAT PLEASE
* (How to write the position paper guidelines follow this please)