Please provide a response to the discussion below. Thanks Question 1: As an Adv

Please provide a response to the discussion below. Thanks
Question 1:
As an Adv

Please provide a response to the discussion below. Thanks Question 1:
As an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), the healthcare policies and initiatives have a significant impact on how I provide care to my patients. These policies can shape the regulatory environment, reimbursement structures, quality standards, and healthcare delivery models within which I work. They can also dictate the scope of practice, influence the way care is provided, and drive efforts to improve access, equity, and quality in healthcare (Nickitas, D. M., 2018). Therefore, it is crucial for me to stay informed about the evolving healthcare policies and initiatives and actively engage with them to ensure that my clinical practice aligns with the changing healthcare priorities.
By staying up to date with these initiatives, I can ensure that my patients receive the best possible care that effectively addresses their needs. The healthcare policies and initiatives provide a framework within which I operate, and by understanding their implications, I can tailor my clinical practice to meet the needs of my patients and communities (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2023). For instance, if there is a new policy or initiative to improve health care across rural areas, I can use my knowledge to find ways to provide care to patients in these underserved areas.
Question 2:
I have chosen the Florida, Texas, and New York.
Florida determines its own eligibility requirements while following federal guidelines. Eligibility is generally based on factors such as income, household size, age, disability status, and citizenship or immigration status. Florida has historically had more stringent eligibility criteria. It has also chosen not to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to cover low-income adults who don’t have dependent children (Benefits.Gov, 2019).
Possible implications of this decision are that individuals with incomes above the poverty line but below the threshold for ACA marketplace subsidies may face difficulties accessing affordable healthcare coverage.
Similar to Florida, Texas has not expanded Medicaid under the ACA and also sets its own eligibility criteria for Medicaid. Eligibility criteria may be more restrictive, particularly for adults without dependent children. Texas has relatively low Medicaid income limits compared to other states, which may result in many low-income individuals being ineligible for coverage (Medicaid & CHIP, n.d.).
Implications: Individuals who do not qualify for traditional Medicaid due to their higher income and also cannot get subsidized insurance through the ACA marketplace fall in the coverage gap. These residents may encounter significant challenges in accessing healthcare services.
New York:
New York historically had more inclusive Medicaid eligibility criteria. As a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the state expanded Medicaid to include low-income adults without dependent children, which significantly broadened coverage options for many residents. To provide coverage for vulnerable populations, such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with disabilities, New York has introduced various Medicaid waiver programs and initiatives (Medicaid Information | NY State of Health, n.d.).
Implications: New York’s more inclusive Medicaid program likely results in improved access to healthcare services for low-income individuals and helps reduce the uninsured rate compared to states that have not expanded Medicaid.
In summary, the requirements to qualify for Medicaid are not consistent across all states. This results in disparities in healthcare coverage and services for residents. States that have chosen to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act generally offer more extensive coverage options for low-income individuals. Meanwhile, states that have not expanded may have more rigorous criteria and a higher number of uninsured individuals among their populations.
American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2023). 2023 state policy priorities. American Association of Nurse Practitioners.…
‌Benefits.Gov. (2019). Welcome to Benefits.Gov | Benefits.Gov.
Medicaid & CHIP. (n.d.). Texas Health and Human Services.
Medicaid Information | NY State of Health. (n.d.).

Nickitas, D. M. (2018). Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.…