Please watch the following video clips and answer the following questions for yo

Please watch the following video clips and answer the following questions for yo

Please watch the following video clips and answer the following questions for your Activity 3. to an external site.
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To submit your answers, reply to this assignment discussion thread with a unique post.
Posts are due by 11:59 PM on Friday 2/23.
“Realness” can occur on a continuum in human face recognition. If a face appears either not quite real or too real, it can appear creepy to us. What is the name of the particular “zone” where a human face or humanoid figure appears close to real but not quite real?
Do you personally find animatronic and robotic faces creepy?
Coulrophobia is the clinical term for an intense fear of clowns. Why do you think some people strongly react to clowns or other not-quite-human figures?
In your opinion, will deepfake technology be able to cross the uncanny valley, and what are the implications if so?