Prepare an incident management report based on a real-world practical firefighti

Prepare an incident management report based on a real-world practical firefighti

Prepare an incident management report based on a real-world practical firefighting scenario (Use video footage, consult with your local fire department, Use reference books) to understand the incident management system including roles and responsibilities of fire service personnel, how to attend emergency calls, working principles of firefighting appliances, action on arrival and searching of fire, teamwork, extinguishing of fire, and accident investigation report.
A – Introduction to the incident management system, roles, and responsibilities of fire service people (limited to 200 words)
B- Discuss any one real-world practical firefighting scenario – student should describe the fire accident including date, time, location, photos, incident details, consequences – injuries, fatality, property loss, environment loss) (limited to 500 words)
C- Management of fire incident (Discuss emergency call attend – action on arrival – searching of fire – methods of entry to building or fire caught premises – team responsibilities – tools and equipment used in firefighting – fire suppression)( limited to 500 words)
D- Accident investigation, recommendation, and conclusion (Summary of accident investigation – origin of the fire, cause of the fire, recommendation for fire prevention, conclusion) (limited to 300 words)
Page setup Use A4 paper size settings and use 2.5 cm top, bottom, left, and right margins.
Use MS Word to prepare the coursework. The section headings
Title cases: Arial, font size 14, bold, left-aligned. Body text and sub-headings
Sub-headings: Arial, font size 12, bold, single-spaced.
Body text: Arial, font size 12, single-spaced. The text must be ‘justified’ aligned. Leave one blank line between paragraphs.
The pages should be numbered consecutively, without any border.
Diagram/Image/Graph/Table Any image, table, figure, or diagram taken/outsourced must be cited with a caption.
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Graphs should be prepared using MS Excel or any other application; however, the image of handmade, scanned graphs is not acceptable.
References should be “Harvard system”
Similarity should be 0%