Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Carlson’s textbook, Chapters 1-

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Carlson’s textbook, Chapters 1-

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Carlson’s textbook, Chapters 1-3. In addition, read Competitor Analysis: How to Use Market Research to Understand Your Competitors. Lastly, review the website on market research and
competitive analysis.
In your first discussion this week, you were asked to pitch your idea for an innovative business you wish to start. For this assignment, we are building on that first discussion in which you are asked to develop a PowerPoint presentation that identifies market research and competitive analysis using the site as a guide.
In your presentation, you should address the following questions that are presented on the site.
Demand: Is there a desire for your product or service?
Market size: How many people would be interested in your offering?
Economic indicators: What is the income range and employment rate?
Location: Where do your customers live and where can your business reach?
Market saturation: How many similar options are already available to consumers?
Pricing: What do potential customers pay for these alternatives?
The Marketing Research and Competitive Analysis PowerPoint presentation,
must be six to eight slides in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word resource.
must include a separate title slide with the following:
title of paper in bold font
Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
student’s name
name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)
course name and number
instructor’s name
date submitted
must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
must include an introduction slide and conclusion slide. Your introduction slide needs to include a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your PowerPoint presentation.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions as well as Writing a Thesis Statement, refer to the Writing Center resources.
must use at least two credible and/or scholarly sources in addition to the material presented in EI Games: Presentation Skills Course.
Please see below what my discussion was based on:
As a mother of a child with sickle cell disease. It is very difficult to choose between working to provide financial support and providing moral and support while my child is in the hospital ensuring one of her many pain crisis. Hospital stay can be emotional and disruptive having someone to help alleviate some of the stress is very important. “Advocate Friends” is an app that helps to bridge that gap. You can find someone that has been properly vetted with a background check and references to care for you loved ones during hospitals stays. They can provide emotional and physical support for your loved ones. This also assist with communication from the doctor’s because someone would be there to relay the information or engage on a video during hospital rounds. It’s like having a on call home health aid. Upon using the app you can select the demographic of the requested individual, the hours rate your will to spend, and the duration of their services.
The product uses many of the same features of delivery services but it is people on demand to provide support. The current apps on the market such as Lotsa Helping Hands lets you create a community of people you know that help with your loved ones (Saltzman 2018). This app will call on people who are local and have the time and willingness to help. There are caregivers that do not have other close family and friends to support and this app helps at a moments notice.
Financial implications would be finding an app creator and searching for local people. The budget for marketing would be an immensely large part of the start up. Marketing would take place in and around hospitals largely because that is the population we are catering our services to. The technology exists with platforms such as Uber and Doordash using location as a large part of the services. A video feature with prior medical authorization and HIPAA compliance would also be made available. Advocate Friends will reach an audience that is highly stressed and almost invisible in many ways. As a caregiver the “sandwich generation” those that are caring for both their children and elderly parents would benefit the most.