Prompt: Write about a time that music helped you through a difficult time, or ga

Write about a time that music helped you through a difficult time, or ga

Write about a time that music helped you through a difficult time, or gave you a better understanding of an issue. What was the situation? How did the music help you? Think about specific lyrics in the song that made an impact on you. What did the music help you to gain?
To earn full credit, write a response that addresses the prompt and: is at least 250 words, is submitted before the due date and time, has few or no grammatical errors, and includes a heading in MLA format.
Be sure to include a heading in MLA format on your document. Your heading should be located in the upper left-hand corner of your document and include the following information in this order:
Your First and Last Name
Dr. Cox
English 124 (section #)
Date of Submission
No Credit: No submission of at least 250 words within 48 hours of due date and time
Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points Possible: 5
Submitting Your Assignment
Please complete the assignment as a Word document.
Click the Submit Assignment link located above.
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