Read a story and answer questions pertaining to the reading and write a reflecti

Read a story and answer questions pertaining to the reading and write a reflecti

Read a story and answer questions pertaining to the reading and write a reflection/reaction paper. Here is the link to the reading: Assignment: Reflection/Reaction Paper
You will be writing reflection/reaction papers in response to readings and other course content. Each paper should be 5-7 pages long (on average). Think of these papers as an exploratory exercise, a way to deepen your reflections and discover your own thoughts and feelings about a particular reading, and to develop your understanding of the course content.
Your reflection/reaction papers must include the following information, (and it may be easier if you respond to each prompt/question as they appear here). Be sure to organize your paper in paragraphs, use complete sentence, standard English grammar, and punctuation, and cite your source (the course materials for the week) wherever you quote or paraphrase (which you should do).
Provide a brief but complete summary of the contents of the material (2-3 paragraphs). What were the materials about, collectively, and individually? What is the main idea of each material? What is the background of the author/presenter and their perspective on the subject (it may help to describe this in terms of positionality, profession, theoretical perspectives)?
Give your personal response/opinion/critical appraisal of the material. In general, what do you like/not like about the material? What specific ideas or information particularly sparked your interest (use examples with the appropriate MLA style citations – quote/paraphrase – and then discuss)? Please reflect upon and discuss these questions in some depth, using references from the material, and/or other sources that you have encountered elsewhere to support your point of view, when appropriate. Connect with your strongest feelings about the material and its relation to your personal experience, work you are doing in other classes, and academic/professional goals.
Discuss how this material relates to other materials, ideas, or experiences you have encountered in this course, or other courses, and in your own artwork (or other work), or in other areas of life in general. How can you use this material in your future academic, creative, or professional pursuits?
The response paper should be written in essay format and submitted electronically in a Word document. It should be approximately 5 – 7 pages and include a list of references.