Read Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 of Landesman, L. and Burke, R. Public Health Mana

Read Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 of Landesman, L. and Burke, R. Public Health Mana

Read Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 of Landesman, L. and Burke, R. Public Health Management of Disasters: The Practice Guide. 5th edition. APHA Publications. Washington, DC. 2017. ISBN: 978-0875533216.
Discussion- select either option A or B to respond.
Option A
In your opinion, what are your concerns about conducting evaluations regarding disasters? Please specify the disaster to which you are referring.
Option B
What are your thoughts about possible ethical issues to a specific event? You can use the recent pandemic and the ethical issues regarding the initial scarcity of equipment such as ventilators, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the issue of vaccines and vaccination rollout. The book mentions ebola and pandemic flu as examples, but we recently expereinced COVID-19 and monekypox again making its presence in the world. Please specify the event you discuss.
Post your initial response of at least 500 words to either Option A or Option B by Sunday Dec 17 at 1159PM.
Then post a response to a classmates’ initial response of at least 250 words by Wed Dec 20 at 1159PM.
Do not start a new thread. Keep up the good work as we wrap up the semester.
Also do not forget to submit any outstanding assignments and your final paper by Dec 20 at 1159PM