Read over the “Intro to Intelligent Agent” PowerPoint slide to get a general ide

Read over the “Intro to Intelligent Agent” PowerPoint slide to get a general ide

Read over the “Intro to Intelligent Agent” PowerPoint slide to get a general idea of intelligent agents. They are an important aspect of artificial intelligence but have been a topic of increasing importance as they can also be used on, and over the web. Also, check out the article “Web Intelligence”. There are two additional articles that you might find interesting in the “Additional articles folder” but these are not required readings. These are “classic” articles, one on Agents and the other you may recognize. This leads us to the next assignment: Search Engine Assignment (Due by 11:59pm Monday Feb 26). This assignment has two parts that should in total be 2 -3 pages. (More is fine if you run over. It can be double spaced but use 12pt font – Times New Roman, or similar)
Part 1: Explain briefly how search engines work (What are the major components?). Part 2: Find one research article related to search engine technology and summarize. (It could also be an article related to agents and search engines or text retrieval if you prefer). The research article in part 2 must be from a research conference or journal (a scholarly source). Using Blogs, news, or general articles found on the web are not be appropriate for part 2. Like the last assignment, you must submit a copy of your article in PDF format, not a link. Stick to credible sources (and be sure to cite them in APA style). I noticed in the last assignment many of you cited incorrectly, so please review APA style. If you are not sure, remember there are guides on the TU Cook library website. You will also lose points for incorrect citations. I also noticed that many people used various websites and non-peer-reviewed sources. Many appear good and you may have heard of the source before, but they are not peer reviewed. You may come across lots of mathematical formulas regarding how to rank search results, but no need to explain all of this in part 1 (unless you want). Keep in mind that extra spaces, headings, title pages, diagrams, and long citations will not count toward your page length requirement.