Read the article titled: Smells like clean spirit: Nonconscious effects of scent

Read the article titled: Smells like clean spirit: Nonconscious effects of scent

Read the article titled: Smells like clean spirit: Nonconscious effects of scent on cognition and behavior (Holland, Hendricks, & Aarts, 2005) and answer the following questions. This assignment is due by _______________. Each answer should be (at minimum) an undergraduate-level paragraph in length.
1) What are the design elements: (independent variable [IV], and dependent variable [DV]) and operational definitions for all three studies?
2) What are the potential confounding variables?
3) What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study designs?
4) In what situations might smell influence your behavior?
5) Could the activation of other senses (touch, taste, sound, sight) influence behavior and in what ways?
6) What other ways could one measure cleaning-related behaviors (observationally and nonobservationally)?
7) Evaluate each of the four validities that we covered in today’s lecture (Chapter 4) in terms of this article. How “valid” or strong are they?