Read the clinical practice guideline: US Preventive Services Task Force. (2019).

Read the clinical practice guideline:
US Preventive Services Task Force. (2019).

Read the clinical practice guideline:
US Preventive Services Task Force. (2019). Interventions to prevent perinatal depression. JAMA, 321(6), 580-587.
There’s a box in your textbook, “Critical Appraisal Criteria,” (attached) Use this box to informally assess rigor and then write 2-3 sentences of a general statement that speaks to your assessment of rigor of the CPG. For example, if you decide that the majority of your “answers” to the questions in the box are no (or negative), then your response might read something like this: “While the guidelines are current in terms of year released, it is not clear that the authors are qualified/appropriate to write them, the description of methods used to grade the evidence was lacking, and there was no evidence that the guideline was endorsed by experts in the field. For these reasons, we assessed the rigor of the guideline’s development as poor.” Label answers in number format 1-4